a New Visions Charter High School

Advanced Math & Science

The AMS Four Year Experience

The AMS Four Year Experience

Our Purpose: To develop a community that thinks critically about the world and themselves within it. A community that collaborates in ways that allows them to tackle complex problems. A community that believes that how we communicate is just as important as what we communicate. Ultimately a community where the 5 habits are ingrained in our daily interactions with all people and tasks.

School Language:
School Language:

Habits of Mind: Managing impulses, Persistence, Listening w/ Understanding & Empathy, Communicating with Clarity & Precision, Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations

LCE Thinking Capacities: Noticing Deeply, Asking Questions, Making Connections, Creating Meaning

Discussion Skills: Elaborating on each others ideas, using evidence & reasoning to support claims, disagreeing respectfully

AMS Academic Program



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