New Dorp High School Students Visit New Visions for Career Discovery Week

The bustling streets of New York City are not just a backdrop for movies or a stage for tourists; they are a thriving hub of opportunity and innovation. And for students of New Dorp High School, that opportunity recently took a unique form as they visited New Visions for Public Schools as part of the initiative, Career Discovery Week NYC.

Launched in 2020 as a joint initiative between the Partnership for New York City and New York City Public Schools, Career Discovery Week brings high school students into some of the city’s most vibrant and important workplaces for exciting hands-on career exploration. For the students of New Dorp High School, this was more than just a field trip - it was a journey into the heart of the educational ecosystem. As they stepped into the New Visions offices, they were greeted with a sense of anticipation and possibility.

The event focused on introducing students to several staff members from Superintendent Noah Angeles’ Office and New Visions central office. The students were also provided with the opportunity to learn about the deep partnership between the superintendent’s office and New Visions, illuminating the ways in which different entities collaborate to enhance educational outcomes.

The highlight of the day was a panel discussion featuring representatives from the school district, New Dorp staff, and New Visions staff. This dynamic exchange provided the students with a firsthand glimpse into the roles and responsibilities of those working behind the scenes to support schools and foster student success. From postsecondary program development to administrative oversight, the panelists shed light on the multifaceted nature of their work and the passion driving their efforts.

The event also featured active student engagement and skill development. Students had the opportunity to hone their resume writing skills through a workshop and participated in mock interview scenarios. These practice exercises not only equipped them with tangible tools for their future career endeavors, but also instilled them with confidence and self-assurance.

“It was incredible to see our learners open up during their mock interviews,” said Ellen Dotts, Special Education & Junior Elective teacher at New Dorp High School. “I was impressed as we listened to them speak about what they are capable of and all they have to offer. This was a wonderful experience for them.”

As the day drew to a close, the students of New Dorp High School left New Visions with a newfound appreciation for the intricacies of the education field and a clearer vision of their own potential pathways within it. Hopefully for many, the experience served as a catalyst for exploration and ignited a spark that will guide them as they navigate their academic and professional journeys.