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Applying to Our Schools

New Visions serves 71 public district schools, serving over 40,000 students citywide, and has a network of traditional charter high schools and AIM charter high schools in the Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens.

By serving over 40,000 district school students and more than 3,889 charter high school students, we serve a student population larger than the Seattle school district.

If you are interested in applying to any of our schools, following either of the links to the right to find out more.

Please be aware that if you are applying to a public high school, admissions criteria vary by schools, with some schools reserving seats for students who have demonstrated proficiency on statewide tests in mathematics and English language arts, or who have a grade point average above a certain cut-off.  You can find out more at the NYC Public Schools' website.

You can also learn more about any of the schools New Visions works with.